
Thursday, January 7, 2016

One More Thing

The two happiest days of my life were the days I married the love of my life and the day I gave birth to my son.
Everything I went through to bring him into this world I'd gladly go through again and again and bring new life into this world.
I cherish my time as a wife and mother. Their needs trump my own needs. Hearing my son's voice as he calls out "mamama" and seeing his big beautiful smile when he sees me are the moments I treasure.
My husband and my son are my whole world. I live for them.
Here are my favorite pictures from my two favorite days:

This picture is a favorite of mine and very special to me because my uncle took it.

Our first family picture of the three of us.

Thank you, Baby, for putting up with my crazy family. Thank you for putting up with your hormonal wife. Thank you for being such an amazing husband and father. We love you.
I look forward to turning this house into our home.

2015 - Year in Review

The year 2015 was a big year for saw relationships come and relationships go, there were deaths of loved ones, and life decisions made. Other than that my life was pretty dull!
I worked hard and kept house for my husband. I made monthly trips to the salon. Had manis and pedis every month. Life was good. Wait, I'm forgetting something or son. There were no salon visits, no manis and pedis, instead there was a tiny human being lifted from my womb by the skilled hands of a doctor.
There were numerous infections and antibiotics prescribed. There were wound drainage and weekly to biweekly trips to the wound clinic.
There were tears of joy and tears of pain. Grief, so much grief. Unborn babies meeting their Maker leaving our hearts to break.
There was a hasty trip to Michigan to see a loved one one last time. There was gathering of her loved ones to bid her farewell and blessed assurance knowing we'd see her again.
There was a heartbreaking diagnosis and watching a loved one suffer immense pain. There was death on a holiday where we celebrate a birth. So fitting considering that he got his heavenly birth on Jesus' birthday.
There was also a decision made to move to our house in Michigan. My husband and I did not make this decision lightly instead, we trusted in God and everything fell into place in His time.
This will be my fourth move in two years and my husband's fifth. Thank God we won't be moving anywhere for a very long time after this move. Moving is too stressful.
I'm excited to see what all 2016 has in store for me. I'm looking forward to less stress in our lives as we leave all the family drama behind and say goodbye to stuck up family members who were too good to associate with us.
Goodbye, drama, goodbye.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Our Blue Christmas

The holidays were difficult for us this past year. On Christmas morning my aunt called me to let me know that my uncle had passed away. His body just couldn't fight the cancer anymore and our Lord finally called him home.
My brother, Robert, and his wife, Kristan, were at my house so they heard the news right away. My parents, younger sister, Rachel, and oldest brother, Lynnie, were on their way so I had the responsibility to break the news to them.
Even though Uncle Duane's death put a damper on our festivities, we still tried to make it special for Sonny. We opened gifts and enjoyed a feast...yet our hearts were broken for my aunt.
Sonny, unaware of what was going on, enjoyed opening the presents that were waiting for him under the tree. He actually enjoyed the wrapping paper more than the presents. One present, however, drew his attention...a toy boombox. He loves it.

My two loves by the tree.

Opening his stocking.



Giving Pop a squeeze! 

With granny and pop.

Opening presents.

With mommy, granny, and Aunt Rachel.

With mom and dad by the tree.

All things considered, we had a pretty good day. We took time to reflect on my uncle's life. I just pray that next Christmas will be even happier.