
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Life With an Eleven Month Old

I feel like I'm always on the go, go, go. Sonny is a ball of energy and he's only still when he's sleeping. He crawls all over the place. He pulls himself up and reaches for things he shouldn't be reaching for. He gets into drawers and scatters its contents all over the floor. He keeps me hopping all day long.
Then his daddy comes home and he settles down. They snuggle on the bed or recliner and before long they're both asleep. That is the time I cook or clean up. Occasionally I sit down and relax.
But I never complain. I cherish these moments I get to spend with my lil energizer bunny. He's growing up so fast and I'm trying not to blink so that I don't miss anything.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Madness Begins

I never really stopped to think about all that our military men and women went through...moving from base to base to base. Their spouses and children packing up their lives and saying their goodbyes. Moving, unpacking, and settling in to a new life. I never thought about it until now.
Now, I'm preparing for my fourth move in 2 years (5th move for my husband in 2+ yrs). We're so thankful that it will be our last least for a very long time. We own our house in Michigan and once we're there we're staying put.
So march madness has begun in our home. Packing, packing, packing. We hope to have everything packed up by the end of the month. We also have all our weekends full of plans with family making memories before we head west.
So my days will be filled with watching a very active son while trying to pack as well.
Life is good. God has blessed us richly.

The house we're renting is for sale.

My parents visited us over the weekend. Before they left on Sunday, dad took some family pics for us.

I love my family. I love my life.

I know things will get hectic before the month is over. I know that I will stress myself out and I will want to give up. 
But for now, I'm enjoying my life and I'm so thankful that my husband is very supportive and he keeps me going strong.
I also have a great support system. I couldn't make it in life without the love and support of my family. My parents, sisters, brother, sister-in-law,  grandma, aunt, and cousins have kept me going strong for many years. 
Great friends have also been supportive of me and have been my rock. I will miss spending time with them but thankfully I have Facebook to keep in touch with all of my friends and family.
To quote The Waterboy, "Thank you, for being my friends".