
Saturday, April 30, 2016

May Goals

I am excited to see my calendar switch from April to May. The weather here in Michigan will be getting warmer and that means that we'll be able to get outside more. I've decided to come up with a list of goals that I hope to accomplish in may.
☆ Celebrate Mother's Day. My second mother's day as a mom is sure to be the best one yet. I'm not sure yet what my husband has planned but I know I'll enjoy my special day.
☆ Plant a garden. We have to wait a few more weeks to plant because nights are still cold here and we can still get frost. I'm anxious to get the soil ready to plant and pick out our seeds awhile.
☆ Take Sonny for strolls on the rail trail on a regular basis. It well also be good exercise for me. Time to get this mama into shape.
☆ Participate in church events and other events in the area. This is a great way for me to meet other women in the area. I will also have a social life!! There are two MOPS meetings scheduled for May and I hope to go to them.
☆ Start sewing. My sister-in-law is planning on "teaching" me to sew. It's been over 15 years since I've done any sewing. I'm looking forward to sewing dresses for myself.
☆ Go camping. This is the one event scheduled for May that we are the most excited about. The weekend before Memorial Day weekend we are going camping at Orchard Beach State Park. For two days we'll be relaxing by a campfire, walking on the beach, and hiking the trails.
☆ There's also birthdays to celebrate and a school picnic to attend.
I'm excited for May and all that it brings to my life. I have so much to be thankful for. God sure has blessed my life and for that, I owe Him all my praise.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Settling In

It's hard to believe that we've been living in Michigan for three weeks now. Time is flying by as we're loving our life.
We still have stuff in the garage and spare bedroom to put away. We have to decide where we're going to go with it.
I desperately need more cupboard space. There's a small room between the breezeway and the kitchen that'll be insulated soon so that I can use it for more space. We plan to put some cupboards and shelves in there as well as a chest freezer. I'll have a place to store my extra kitchen supplies and my canned goods. I'm so excited!
Wendell and I bought a woodstove on sale and we plan to install it this summer. I look forward to heating our home with wood heat. I loved having a woodstove during my childhood. I'll just have to keep an extra eye on Sonny so that he doesn't get too close to it.
I'm getting to know my way around the area. I take Sonny out occasionally on little outings. Once it's warmer, I'll take him for strolls at the rail trail and take him to the park. I'm looking forward to spending time with my son outside and soaking up the sun.
I have so much to look forward to and so much more to be thankful for.
God has blessed my life richly.

A lighthouse at the Clare welcome center. We went there over the weekend to get brochures. We have so much planned for this summer. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Ode to Parenthood

One thing I've learned in the past year is that parenting is hard...perhaps the hardest thing I'll ever do. But I love it.
I love waking up in the wee hours of the night to answer a cry for mom. Even if I'm dead tired and can barely move.
I love changing diapers and dirty outfits. It means my little one is eating, drinking, and growing.
I love cleaning up after the little monster after he wrecks the house by strewing toys all over the place. It means that he has plenty of toys to keep him entertained.
I love spending all day taking care of him and planning my schedule around his. It means that my husband is a good provider for the family and I can be a stay at home mom...the best job on earth.
So when I think of places I would love to go but can't take my son. Or think of all the events I could attend. I just remember all those years I prayed and waited for a little one to call my own...and I smile.
Parenting is putting the needs of an innocent child ahead of your own. It's holding them and comforting them hours on end when they don't feel well. It's sitting and watching over your sleeping child when you could be getting work done or better yet, sleeping yourself.
Parenting is teaching your little one the difference between right and wrong. It's instilling sound morals and praying they'll turn out alright.
So when I see that selfish, immature people are about to bring children into this world, I cringe. How quickly their world is about to change.
No more impromptu trips as just the two of you. No more jetting off to another state for a shopping spree. No more living life just for yourself.
Ready or not, here it comes...parenthood. So get ready to put your child's needs first. Get ready for romantic moments being interrupted by a crying baby. Get ready for crazy hormones and crying like a baby.
Get ready for happy bonding moments where you're thankful for the blessing in your arms. Get ready for hugs, kisses, big smiles when they see you walk into the room, and hearing their sweet voices say mama.
Because these moments are fleeting. These moments are priceless. You won't trade these moments for anything in the world.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mommy and Sonny's Second Birthday Together

The morning of my 32nd birthday and Sonny's 1st birthday was the best ever. We ALL SLEPT IN!! Sonny woke us up at was paradise getting to sleep in that late!!
The Wendells and I, along with my mom, went out for breakfast at Cops & Doughnuts. The food was very delicious and the cop memorabilia was a beautiful touch. We had fun posing for pictures at the props in the gift shop. Even Sonny enjoyed being locked up in a jail cell!!
Afterwards, Wendell showed me where he will be working. It was nice meeting his coworkers and new employer.
We spent the afternoon organization our house and getting ready for our birthday party. I baked a strawberry poke cake with dream whip icing, which was delicious!
Around 6, Wendell's parents, brother, sister, and their families came over for supper. We feasted on hamburgers, hotdogs, macaroni salad, veggie pizza, and chips.
The children had a blast playing with Sonny's toys. They found my stuffed whales and dolphins and even put on a show for us. They took the stuffed animals into Sonny's room which we dubbed "the ocean"!
Before everyone left, we ate the cake. We had Sonny's smash cake from his PA party so we let him have at it. He was very tentative and ate a little of it. I let his cousins help him and soon 5 small children were digging into it. Very little went to waste!!
I thought mine and Sonny's very first birthday together was special but this one took the cake. He is growing up so fast that sometimes I want it slow down a bit.
I love my life. I love being a wife and mother. This is my life...this is heaven. I couldn't ask for anything else.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Goodbye PA, Hello MI!!

We have officially moved to Michigan. On April 6, we picked up our rental truck. My sister came and helped my husband load the truck while I worked inside and kept a very active little boy entertained.
That evening, my mom, dad, Star, Aron, Izzy, Kristan, and Robert came to visit. Mom, Robert, and Rachel would be heading out with us the next morning.
We spent the night at a hotel and headed out early the next morning. It was a long trip and we were all thankful to finally reach our destination. We ate supper at my sister in law's house before my in-laws helped to unload the truck.
We got settled in for the night and after a filling breakfast at Big Boy's, we saw Rachel and Robert off. Mom would be staying for a week before heading back to PA with Wendell's parents.
I love our little house and I look forward to turning it into our home. We have repairs to make and it's going to take a lot of sweat and time but we'll enjoy fixing it up to our dream home.
I am so thankful for my husband and son. This ride called life wouldn't be exciting without you in it. I love you, baby.

Sonny's 1st Birthday Party

The weekend before our scheduled move to Michigan we had a birthday party for Sonny. Close friends and family came to celebrate with us. It was bittersweet because we realized that we would soon be living hundreds of miles away. Seeing our son play with friends knowing that soon they'd be missing him.
The hardest part of the day was my son's nasty cough. He had been sick several days prior and he was starting to feel better but he wasn't 100% yet. Thankfully a dear friend had a rub on hand and it helped him to breathe better.
Later, after the party, it sank in just what we were leaving behind. Close relationships that we'd forged over the years. Although we'll miss our dear loved ones like crazy, we're excited to see what God has in store for us.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Go Away Cold We Don't Have Time For You

Today is the third day of Sonny's chest cold. He's been croupy and he's very congested. For two days, I used baby rub on him, gave him cold medicine, and used humidifiers.
Last night was bad so I called my older sister up for advice. She recommended blue vervain which I'm having issues finding in store. It's available on line but by the time I received it Sonny would be better.
My sister also recommended placing a wet washcloth on his chest (inside his shirt) and rubbing his back and feet with the baby rub (it has wintergreen and peppermint essential oil in it).
So last night, I followed her advice and he was breathing better and he was sleeping well. He awoke several times during the night with a fever but the cold medicine took care of that.
This morning I went and bought a bottle of Pedialyte so that he doesn't get dehydrated. He sipped on it. Finally my husband got him to drink about four ounces. Afterwards, he promptly threw up all sorts of nasty gunk.
He is finally starting to feel and sound a bit better. Hopefully I can get him 100% before his first birthday party on Sunday.
Mommy's heart hurts for her lil man. The hardest thing a mother faces is seeing her baby sick and not being able to make him better.