2024! Already! The year I turn 40! The year my husband and I celebrate 10 years together! Life is wonderful. Wendell has a great job that he loves as a dispatcher for a trucking company. We just bought a new house outside of Lancaster County so it’s a short commute to his job in Mount Joy.
Our babies are growing up way too fast. Wendell Jr turns 9 in April. He is in 3rd grade and he loves learning at home. He enjoys math and science but reading and language arts are a struggle. He loves building with his legos and blocks. He also loves playing with his action figures.
Ruthie turns 6 on Sunday. She is in kindergarten and she loves learning at home. She loves to write and draw. She is always drawing pictures of us. She loves her Barbie dolls and her stuffed animals. She wants to be an “animal doctor” when she grows up.
Denny turned 4 in December. He is speaking more and more. I’m enjoying teaching him new words as well as teaching him to sign I love you. I melted when he signed it back to me for the first time. He has the sweetest voice and a loving heart. He still comes to me for snuggles and kisses every day and I couldn’t be happier about that!
Rosalie turns 3 in July. She loves doing whatever her siblings do and she gives us a poochie lip if we tell her no! She’s a daddy’s girl and needs to snuggle with him at night. She is quite the independent little girl and such a delight to have around.
I miss the baby stage but it is so much fun watching them grow up and learn new things. Homeschooling makes life even more rewarding as we learn and grow together.
We have so much planned for this year and I look forward to celebrating each new milestone with my family. 40 - my husband and I are excited about a new decade of life beginning for us. 10 - 10 glorious years filled with love, laughter, and babies.
I look forward to experiencing all that God has in store for us. One thing’s for sure - it’s a great day to be alive!