
Monday, December 21, 2015

Eight Months Old

My how the time has flown by! Our baby boy is no longer a baby :( He is crawling, sitting up, babbling away, and eating everything we give him. He's now eight months old and we are excitedly anticipating his first Christmas.
It's hard to believe that in less than four months, he'll be one year old already. My independent little boy is growing up too fast.
Here are a few of the pictures I took of my eight month old:

Baby boy, stop growing up so quickly. Your dad and I cherish our time with you. You are a precious little boy and I just wish all your aunts and uncles could see that. You are our life and your dad and I will do everything in our power to raise you up right and protect you from all negativity and evil influences. We love you, son...always.

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