
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happiest Girl In the Whole USA

One of my favorite songs is Donna Fargo's Happiest Girl In the Whole USA. The first time I heard that song I was a teenager. I listened to it for years while dreaming of having a relationship like the song depicted.
I hadn't heard that song for years but just the other day it came on the radio. It was special to me cause I finally had the chance to listen to that song as a married woman. So I looked in my husband's eyes and belted it out. I was happy.
These past few months I've struggled with happiness. My hormones have been way out of wack. I guess it's normal post partum behavior but it sometimes feels like there's two of me.
It has also been really hard for me to get my pre-pregnancy body back. The slow healing incision, multiple infections, and stress have had a negative impact on me. As the number on the scale rises, I sometimes see my life spiraling out of control. I am dedicated to getting my weight under control.
My husband and I have already made diet changes and I am planning to start drinking green tea again. Hopefully the weather cooperates and I can start walking again. I hate taking Sonny out in the cold or rain and now that he's starting to feel better, I can take him outside more often.
I need the support and encouragement from my friends and family now more than ever. Please leave a comment below of your diet secrets (if you're willing to share).
Now that stress has removed itself from my life I feel that I will be able to lose weight and live a happier, healthier life. Today was one of those days where I went from happy to sad to happy again. Also, throw moody and angry in there and that defines my day.
One happy moment came when my husband and I went for a walk down to the creek. My mom, who's staying for the weekend, stayed inside to watch Sonny. Wendell and I spent a few precious moments together before walking back to the house. We were happy.

It was during that moment with my man that I realized that I need to be that woman in the song. "So shine on me sunshine, walk with me world, it's a skippity do da dey, I'm the happiest girl in the whole USA!"

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sonny's First Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Eve, Wendell's parents came and brought supper so we enjoyed a delicious meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and salad. We had a great time visiting.
His parents spent the night. Thanksgiving morning I made breakfast of homemade oatmeal and dippy eggs. Then we visited for an hour or so before they headed to Lancaster County to meet with my father in law's siblings. We enjoyed our time with them and hopefully we get to see them again before they head west for Michigan.

My in-laws with Sonny on Thanksgiving morning. He loves his grandma and grandpa.
Reaching for grandpa's pen. He spent so much time playing with grandpa's pen.

Robert and Kristan came over in the morning and we spent the day together. Kristan and I made filling, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin pie to go with leftover turkey and mashed potatoes.
After lunch, we played rummy and relaxed. While Sonny napped we watched Sling Blade. Wendell and I hadn't seen it before so we enjoyed watching it with Robert and Kristan.
Kristan, Rachel, mom, and I have plans to go black Friday shopping on Friday afternoon so I have that to look forward to. We're planning on hitting the crafts stores and buying scrapbooking supplies. Wooohoo! This girl loves to scrapbook!!
Sonny and Uncle Bert having a fun moment together.

I am so thankful to have my two Wendells in my life. Wendell is a loving husband who works hard to provide for me and our son. Sonny did something I thought would never happen...he made me a mother. My life has changed for the better and I have my husband and son to thank for.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Enjoy your time with your loved ones.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Miller Family Thanksgiving Party

This past weekend was very stressful as we dealt with family drama (I'll cover that in my next post). Needless to say, I really needed time with the family members who have an active role in my life.
Sunday afternoon, we had my brother Robert and his wife Kristan, my sister Rachel, my oldest brother Lynnie, my mom and dad, my "nephew" Aron, my grandma, my cousin Paul and his wife Jackie, and my Aunt Julie here for lunch. It was a delicious feast.
Rachel took some family pictures of us so that I could use them in our Christmas cards. I was quite pleased with the results. Some pictures turned out very well but I kept noticing how big my belly has gotten. This mama has to go on a diet.
Anyway, here are some of my favorite pictures:

This is the picture I chose as our Christmas card. 

Took a few pictures inside as well. 

We're busy planning activities for December. We're planning to bake cookies, go to Christmas Village, and we're planning our Christmas party. I have so much to be thankful for.

Thank you to all my family, friends, and followers. 

Have a happy Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

Friday, November 20, 2015

My Thanksgiving Story

This month people all over social media are sharing what they're thankful for with the #Thanksgiving and #30DaysOfThanks. For the past several years, I have been doing this myself. This year is no different. Each day I shared what I was thankful for until this week.
First, I had a fussy, clingy, sick baby to care for since last Saturday. He had a fever off and on for 3 days before the cough and runny nose set in. We believe he's working on his upper teeth which is affecting his sinuses. I hope that's it and he doesn't have a cold.
Second, Sunday morning the stove wouldn't work when I went to make breakfast. We thought it was a breaker but none were flipped. We thought one was burned out but none look burned. My husband contacted our landlord and he was informed that their maintenance man would be out ASAP to fix it. Monday passed, no maintenance man. Tuesday passed, no maintenance man. Wednesday passed, no maintenance man. By Thursday morning, I was livid. I was tired of eating microwave foods and whatever I could make in the crockpot. I was also sick of eating hot dogs! Don't ask me how many I ate those 3 days!!
Finally, Thursday afternoon the maintenance man arrived and checked out the was fine. He informed me that it could be the first outlet nearest the breaker box. He pulled the spare bed away from the wall and there it was...a fried outlet, literally. He told me that we were fortunate that we didn't have a house fire.
At that moment, my unthankfulness melted away. I realized that God had watched over us all week and that He was and is in control.
 After experiencing a house fire in 2004, I know that it's one life experience I never want to go through ever again. God's will be done.
Anyway, the maintenance man wasn't able to fix it yesterday. He said he'd be out today. As of now, he hasn't made it out. He has some issues to work through so I'm trying not to get worked up. BUT I WANT TO BOIL WATER AND MAKE SPAGHETTI AND BREW TEA. I WILL NEVER TAKE COOKING OVER A STOVE FOR GRANTED AGAIN.
So even though Sonny isn't feeling well and the stove isn't working, I'm thankful for God's protection and the time I have to spend with my two guys.
Side note, I found out Thursday night that my uncle was in the hospital. Please keep him and my aunt in your prayers. I love you, Aunt Julie and Uncle Duane. Let's kick cancer's butt. Someone needs to take Sonny to his first Steelers game.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Seven Months Old

It's hard to believe that our little Sonny is 7 months old. I'll never forget all that I went through to bring him into this world.
He's so precious and some people in my family just can't see that. I'm so tired of him being ignored by people that are supposed to be loving him and seeing him for the precious little boy that he is. But, hey, it's their loss but it doesn't mean that I don't hurt for him.
My son is blessed to have some awesome people in his life. I'm so thankful for that. They don't ignore him; instead, they treat him with the utmost love and affection.
That being said, my heart aches for those suffering the loss of a child. I can only imagine how it feels. I pray to God I never get to experience it myself.
Last month at Grandma Sensenig's funeral, I asked my mother in law if she imagined years ago that they'd have 22 grandchildren someday. Her response almost made me cry. She told me how tough it was for them after their stillborn daughter, Rosalie, was born. They weren't able to conceive for a while afterwards. Thankfully they had 5 healthy children. However, she suffered through numerous miscarriages  (7, she thinks). I am thankful to have her to lean on whenever I'm feeling down.
Anywho, our little guy is an adventurous little guy. He's always exploring and investigating his environment. Nothing misses his trained eye. I'm finding it very hard to keep up with him some days. Just wait til he's walking...oy vey!!
Yesterday, I took some pictures of him to mark his 7 months on earth. I'm quite pleased with how they turned out.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Please be sure to follow this blog and like it on Facebook. I'd love to hear from you. You can comment below or message me on Facebook.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Happy Veteran's Day

I want to take a few moments to honor our veterans. They deserve all our respect and they deserve so much more than the pittance they receive from our government. Today, and every day, I salute you, veterans, for all you do or did for our country.
Veteran's day is a special day for me because I think of my late grandfather. My grandpa Miller served in the Air Force during the Korean War. He was honorably discharged and fought a hard battle against cancer. On March 27, 1984, just a couple weeks before I was born, he passed away from cancer.
To this day, my one wish is to have met him and have just one picture of him holding me. He loved my siblings and I'm sure he was looking forward to my arrival. Mom used to tell me over and over again that he would've loved my red hair.
I know that if he were here today,that he would love my son. He would love my husband. He would love my uncle. All the grandchildren and great grandchildren born in the last 31 years who never got to meet him. He was a man with weaknesses but he was a loving man. I love you, Beebaw.

My grandparents on their wedding day.

My grandpa in uniform.  Hubba Hubba!!

My grandparents at a wedding.  Can't remember whose though.

Today, in honor of Veteran's Day, I will find time to listen to Mr. Miller by Paul Overstreet and I'll try not to cry...much.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

It's Been A While

It's been a little while since I blogged last. I've been one busy mama. Little Sonny will be 7 months old tomorrow and my how the time is flying by. He is growing like a weed. He has a checkup on Thursday and I can't wait to see his measurements. He's one chunky boy.
Over the weekend, my husband, son, and I spent some time outside on our deck. It was a bit chilly but the view was spectacular.  This is my husband's and my favorite time of the year. This coming weekend we are planning to go to Christmas Village to see the lights. We'll be going with members of my family.
Then on Sunday, my brother in law and his family are coming for lunch. I'm looking forward to spending time with them. Their youngest is 1 and he will be a playmate of Sonny's. He's a cutie...they all are. Such precious children.

Pics on deck.