
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sonny's First Thanksgiving

On Thanksgiving Eve, Wendell's parents came and brought supper so we enjoyed a delicious meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and salad. We had a great time visiting.
His parents spent the night. Thanksgiving morning I made breakfast of homemade oatmeal and dippy eggs. Then we visited for an hour or so before they headed to Lancaster County to meet with my father in law's siblings. We enjoyed our time with them and hopefully we get to see them again before they head west for Michigan.

My in-laws with Sonny on Thanksgiving morning. He loves his grandma and grandpa.
Reaching for grandpa's pen. He spent so much time playing with grandpa's pen.

Robert and Kristan came over in the morning and we spent the day together. Kristan and I made filling, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pumpkin pie to go with leftover turkey and mashed potatoes.
After lunch, we played rummy and relaxed. While Sonny napped we watched Sling Blade. Wendell and I hadn't seen it before so we enjoyed watching it with Robert and Kristan.
Kristan, Rachel, mom, and I have plans to go black Friday shopping on Friday afternoon so I have that to look forward to. We're planning on hitting the crafts stores and buying scrapbooking supplies. Wooohoo! This girl loves to scrapbook!!
Sonny and Uncle Bert having a fun moment together.

I am so thankful to have my two Wendells in my life. Wendell is a loving husband who works hard to provide for me and our son. Sonny did something I thought would never happen...he made me a mother. My life has changed for the better and I have my husband and son to thank for.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Enjoy your time with your loved ones.

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