
Friday, November 20, 2015

My Thanksgiving Story

This month people all over social media are sharing what they're thankful for with the #Thanksgiving and #30DaysOfThanks. For the past several years, I have been doing this myself. This year is no different. Each day I shared what I was thankful for until this week.
First, I had a fussy, clingy, sick baby to care for since last Saturday. He had a fever off and on for 3 days before the cough and runny nose set in. We believe he's working on his upper teeth which is affecting his sinuses. I hope that's it and he doesn't have a cold.
Second, Sunday morning the stove wouldn't work when I went to make breakfast. We thought it was a breaker but none were flipped. We thought one was burned out but none look burned. My husband contacted our landlord and he was informed that their maintenance man would be out ASAP to fix it. Monday passed, no maintenance man. Tuesday passed, no maintenance man. Wednesday passed, no maintenance man. By Thursday morning, I was livid. I was tired of eating microwave foods and whatever I could make in the crockpot. I was also sick of eating hot dogs! Don't ask me how many I ate those 3 days!!
Finally, Thursday afternoon the maintenance man arrived and checked out the was fine. He informed me that it could be the first outlet nearest the breaker box. He pulled the spare bed away from the wall and there it was...a fried outlet, literally. He told me that we were fortunate that we didn't have a house fire.
At that moment, my unthankfulness melted away. I realized that God had watched over us all week and that He was and is in control.
 After experiencing a house fire in 2004, I know that it's one life experience I never want to go through ever again. God's will be done.
Anyway, the maintenance man wasn't able to fix it yesterday. He said he'd be out today. As of now, he hasn't made it out. He has some issues to work through so I'm trying not to get worked up. BUT I WANT TO BOIL WATER AND MAKE SPAGHETTI AND BREW TEA. I WILL NEVER TAKE COOKING OVER A STOVE FOR GRANTED AGAIN.
So even though Sonny isn't feeling well and the stove isn't working, I'm thankful for God's protection and the time I have to spend with my two guys.
Side note, I found out Thursday night that my uncle was in the hospital. Please keep him and my aunt in your prayers. I love you, Aunt Julie and Uncle Duane. Let's kick cancer's butt. Someone needs to take Sonny to his first Steelers game.

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