
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Best Buds

My best friend has four of the most adorable children on earth, Ethan, Starria, Aron, and Elizabeth. They were so excited when they found out they were going to have a "cousin" to play with. My mom asked Star, Aron, and Izzy what they wanted me to have: boy or girl. Star said girl, Aron said boy, and Izzy said puppy!! Sometimes I wonder if she still wants that puppy but then I see her interact with him. She loves him and loves helping me take care of him. Now that we live an hour away it's tough for them to come see Sonny on a regular basis.

Aron and Izzy with Sonny. Izzy's feeding him a bottle.

Only love's true kiss will waken the sleeping prince!!

Star and Izzy with Sonny.

Star, Aron, and Izzy with Sonny.

Ethan and Star with Sonny.

Love these two pics of Aron and Sonny. They are priceless.

Woah, Izzy, take him to dinner first!!

Sonny and Aron sharing a laugh together!!

Before Sonny was born Aron told me that he and Baby Wendell (as they call him) would be the best of friends. He was going to teach Baby Wendell to ride bike and he was going to play with dinosaurs with him. Hopefully, Aron gets the opportunity to ride bike with Sonny. They already play with dinosaurs together!!

I am so thankful that my son already has four best buds to play with. With their guidance, he won't be getting into any trouble at all...I'm sure!!

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