
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Six Months Old

It's hard to believe that my baby boy is six months old already. He is growing up so fast. Before too long he'll be sitting up alone and crawling. He's now eating more and more solids. Squash is his favorite...I add cinnamon to it. He also likes pears, sweet potatoes, green beans, and applesauce. No teeth yet but we're still working on it.

This is a favorite of mine. I love that goofy look on my husband's face. Our little guy was sound asleep in my arms.

Oh Sonny, your mommy wishes she could bottle this entire experience up. You're growing up so fast that it's hard to keep up with you. Mommy loves your big smiles and your jolly laughs. You're making more and more sounds and before long you'll be saying mamamamama, dadadadadada, and auntie Julie!! Mommy and daddy love you very much. You're our world. Don't grow up too fast.

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